Legal information

Legal information published according to article 17, paragraph 3, of Law no. 41/2015, of June 3 and of Article 171 of the Commercial Companies Code (CSC), in accordance to article 18 of Law no. 144/2015, of September 8 (in the wording given by Decree-Law no. 102/2017, of August 23, which came into force on 01/07/2017) and Decree-Law No. 74/2017 of 21 September.


RUSTICASA-Construções, Lda

Legal form:

Limited liability company

Head office:

Zona Industrial de Campos, Pólo 1 – 4920-010 Vila Nova de Cerveira – PORTUGAL

VAT No.:

PT 501 825 541

Companies Registry:

No. 34/19870513 of Vila Nova de Cerveira C.R.C.

Share capital:

600.000,00 Euros



Builder licence:

IMPIC nº 19832-PUB

Arbitration Center:

CNA – National Center for Construction Arbitrage

Electronic Complaints Book:

Consumers and users may submit requests for information and present claims in the Electronic Complaints Book.

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